In the event that these terms of service are translated into any other language, it will be solely for information purposes only. The English language will overrule any discrepancies should there be conflict between the translated version and the English language version.
Welcome to CameraLux (hereinafter jointly referred to as "Website", we", "our" or "us"), an adult entertainment website. CameraLux is controlled by ORION30 LLP , a company based in the United Kingdom. For the purposes of these terms of service, ORION30 LLP will be hereinafter referred to as the "Company" that controls CameraLux.
ORION30 LLP is owned and operated by Orion30 LLP located at: Orion30 LLP 71-75 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, UK WC2H 9JQ.
ORION30 LLP operates the following websites:
Any and all questions about these terms of service or any other questions about the site and be sent to
It is important to the Company that our visitors have an optimal experience while using the Website, and that, when you utilize the Website, you understand your legal rights and obligations. Please read this terms-of-service agreement, which is a legal agreement between you and the Company that permits your access to and ability to use the Website, including any content, functions, and services offered on or through the Website.
By accessing the Website, including registering for an account, you agree to this agreement. If you do not want to agree to or comply with any portion of this agreement, you must not access the Website.
Section 230(d) Notice: In accordance with 47 U.S.C. § 230(d), you are informed that parental control protections (including computer hardware, software, or filtering services) are commercially available and may aid in limiting access to material that is inappropriate or harmful to minors. You can find information about providers of these protections on the Internet by searching “parental control protection” or related terms.
Age Restriction:Only adults who (1) are at least 18 years of age, and (2) have reached the age of majority where they live may access the Website. The Company forbids those who do not meet these age requirements from accessing the Website. If minors have access to your computer, please protect them from accessing sexually explicit material by using any of the following products. The Company provides the following links for the purpose of information only, and does not endorse or have contractual agreements with any of the following:
CYBERsitter™ | Net Nanny® | CyberPatrol | ASACP.
Warning of Explicit Content:
You may find content on that site that you deem indecent, offensive or objectionable. This can include homosexual, heterosexual, bisexual, and transsexual content of a sexual nature. By continuing to use this site, you acknowledge that you will use the Website at your own risk of exposure to offensive content, and the Company claims no liability to you for any content you see.
Child Pornography Prohibited:
The Company strictly prohibits any pornographic content involving underadged persons. The Company only allows content, both visual and written, of consenting adults for the use by consenting adults on the Website. If you see any content on this Website, real or simulated, that depicts minors engaging in sexual activity, report this immediately to the Company at In your report, please include all appropriate supporting evidence, including the time and date of identification. The Company will immediately investigate all reports and take the appropriate action. The Company cooperates to the full extent with any law-enforcement agencies or any other governmental institutions investigating child pornography, and will willingly aid in the prosecution of anyone who is found to be engaging in, promoting, or otherwise involved in underaged sex trafficking.
- CameraLux Principles
- CameraLux is a online adult entertainment site that promotes a healthy expression of sexual content. Because we do not support immoral acts, content, or interests, we have strict rules and guidelines that all members and Models must comply with to the highest degree.
- All users must be 18 or over, or over the age of majority in their jurisdiction, to use the Website.
- All models/performers on the Website must be 18 or over, or over the age of majority in their jurisdiction. This includes pre-recorded content, such as pictures and videos. In order to verify age models must submit upon registration:
- Photo ID
- Picture with ID next to face for verification
- Picture with the date of registration
- Signed agreement declaring model is legally able to interact on the Website.
- The Website in no way presents models as underaged, and does not allow the models to do so themselves, even if they are of legal age.
- Model’s accounts are immediately and permanently terminated if they are found to violate any part of the agreement.
- The Company has a zero tolerance policy towards child pornography and will permanently close an account and report to the authorities if there is even the slightest suspicion such illegal actions are taking place. This includes having a username that refers to child pornography, or any other content on the Website.
- Introduction
- The Website allows users (guests and members) to view and participate in adult/pornographic content. This includes viewing sexually explicit images, performances, descriptions, and videos, as well as actively participating. You must first register on the Website to use certain features.
- These terms apply to any and all users of the Website, whether you are guest or a member. Your agreement to these terms will be you action of checking the appropriate box when register or access any part of this website. In the event you do not agree to all of these terms, you must leave the website. Should you breach any part of these agreed upon terms, you may lose access to the Website, and your account. A downloadable and printable copy of the terms is available on the Website.
- The Company will not be held liable for any content you post while you are on the Website. The Company does not monitor content on this Website, however in the event that the Company learns something inappropriate has been posted, it will be removed. If you post content that is not yours, and legal troubles arise, the responsibility is yours.
- The Company reserves the right to change these terms of service when they see fit. The terms you see on this page will always be current, and the date of the last updated agreement will be clearly visible. In the event there is a significant change, the Company will notify users. However, the Company may make amendments without notification, so check back frequently to make sure you are on top of the changes. Your continued use of the site will signify to the Company that you are in agreement of the latest terms and conditions, and “not knowing about a new change” will not be a valid excuse should a problem arise. If you don’t agree to new changes, stop using the site.
- The Company has the right to assign or delegate it’s performances under these terms and conditions without your consent. You do not have this right, except in the event of advanced written consent from the company.
- Eligibility Requirements
- Our site may contain uncensored content that is sexually explicit. This material is unsuitable for minors. Only adults (1) who are at least 18-years old and (2) who have reached the age of majority where they live may access the Website. If you do not meet these age requirements, you must not access the Website and must leave now.
- By accessing the Website, you state that the following facts are accurate:
- - I am an adult who has reached the legal Age of Majority in my jurisdiction as well as where I am choosing to view the sexually explicit content accessed through this site;
- - I want to receive/view sexually explicit content and believe that sexual acts between CONSENTING adults are neither obscene nor offensive;
- - I will not expose this sexually explicit content to minors or anyone who may be offended;
- - I am choosing, of my own free will, to view and access this content for my own personal use and not on the behalf of any government;
- - I have determined that viewing, downloading, hearing, and reading, sexually explicit content does not violate the standards of any community, town, city, county, state, province or country where I will be accessing the sexually explicit content;
- - I will not inform any minors of the existence of this site nor will I share content of this site with any person under the legal age;
- -I am solely responsible for any false disclosures or legal ramifications of viewing, reading or downloading any material appearing on this site and I understand that providing a false declaration under the penalties of perjury is a criminal offense;
- - I consent that neither this website nor its affiliates shall be held responsible for any legal ramifications stemming from any fraudulent entry or activity involving this website;
- Limited License
- License Grant
- The Company hereby grants you a limited, nonsublicensable, nonexclusive, nontransferable license to use the Website and its content. This use shall be for your personal, noncommercial use only, in accordance with these terms. For purposes of these terms,
- “Access” - visits, use, and participation in any form on this Website and its content, services, and features.
- “Content” - any and all material found on this site, including but not limited to the text, software, scripts, photos, videos, audiovisual combinations, interactive features, profiles, and streams.
- “Personal and noncommercial use” - use of the content where no fee is charged or received by you. Either you view it in your private residence, or, if outside your residence, no fee is charged if viewed by more than means a use of the Content for which no fee or consideration is charged or received by you, which takes place in your private residence or, if outside your residence, is limited to a private viewing by you. Personal and noncommercial use excludes any public or private event presentation even if no fee is charged.
- License Restrictions
- The license granted in section 3a does not include:
- commercial or resale use of the Website;
- Any kind of public display or distribution of the Website and it’s content;
- changing or otherwise using this the Website and content in a derivative way, or any part of the Website or the content, unless the Company specifically authorizes you to do so;
- use of any robots, data mining, or similar methods of gathering and extracting;
- downloading or otherwise storing on any electronic device any part of the Website that is not permitted; or
- any other use of the Website or the content other than for its intended purpose.
- Your license to access the Website is non transferable and only authorizes you to use your account and gain access in accordance with these terms. If any use violates these terms, the license will be revoked.
- Intellectual Property Rights of Company
- Ownership of Website
- You acknowledge that the Website and its content, including features, functionality, information, software, text, displays, images, video, audio and anything else are owned by the Company, its licensors, or content providers. This content is protected by copyright, trademark, trade secret, patent, and any other intellectual property or proprietary rights laws.
- You acknowledge that anything you purchase and/or participate in connection to the Website, either total or in part, (including but not limited to private shows) might be seen by employees or agents of the Company, and could possibly be seen by other users. You acknowledge and agree that you own no rights to any intellectual property in that show, even if your voice is audible. Rights are owned solely and exclusively by the Company, and can use the material in any way they wish.
- Trademarks
- CameraLux is a registered trademark of the Company. This cannot be used except through expressly written permission from the Company. All rights reserved
- Any names, logos, designs, slogans, and domains relating to the Company and the Website are trademarks of the Company and cannot be imitated, copied, or used in any form without expressed written permission. This includes page headers, button icons, custom graphics, and scripts. Other names of actual products, services, and company we mention are the trademarks of their respective owners and any reference to them does not suggest endorsement, sponsorship, affiliation, or association between any parties.
- Your Account
- Account Creation
- You will need an account to use some of our features. It is free to register and make a basic account, however you will need to provide your name, email address, and other identifying information, including your debit or credit card information. The Company retains some of this information. To learn more, please see our Privacy Policy (insert link).
- Responsibility for Account
- You are responsible for keeping your password and account confidential, as well as responsible for all activities that happen under your account. In the event of unauthorized use or breach of security, you must notify the company immediately.
- Liability for Account Misuse
- The Company is not liable for anything that happens as a result of someone's else using your account or password, even without your knowledge. You agree that you will be liable for any and all losses, obligations, costs, expenses liabilities, penalties, claims, and disbursements of any kind incurred by Company, that is in connection with any fraudulent reporting of a lost or stolen Payment Account. You agree that you will remain liable to Company for any unauthorized use of the Website associated with your account.
- Use of Other Accounts
- At any time, you cannot use someone else’s account.
- Account Security
- The Company values the integrity and security of your personal information, and implements strict measures to guard against hacking by all means, but the Company cannot guarantee that unauthorized third parties will never be able to defeat our security measures or misuse information. You agree that you provide your personal information at your own risk.
- Charges, Billing, Accounts
- The Company does not charge any basic fee for browsing or using the Site. However, charges may apply for Host Services provided by the Hosts on the Site, in accordance with the terms of the applicable Host-Guest Agreement. The applicable rates or methods by which the rates are determined are usually described at the location of a paying service on the Site.
Guests may view all records of the time spent using Host Services and other paid features on the Site along with the status of their current CameraLux Credit balance in the “My Account” area after logging into their account. For any billing enquiries, please contact the customer service department using the contact page.
Guests may purchase CameraLux Credit in accordance with the terms of this Agreement by credit card, via money transfers made directly to the Company’s bank account, or by prepaid payment made via third parties. All credit card payments are processed via the Company’s third party’s processors (SegPay and EPOCH), which is fully secured, encrypted, and guaranteed to ensure privacy during all transactions. Purchases will show on bank and credit card statements as either “SegPay” or “SegPay-EU”, “EPOCH”. Depending on your bank or credit card provider you may incur additional fees in connection with transactions which is not associated with the Company. The terms of your credit card issuer agreement remains valid during all transactions and will inform you of your rights, liabilities, and any fees incurred during transactions. All components of charges may be accessed in the account area of your account after logging in.
Guests remain responsible for all charges and purchases on the site. The Company does not take any responsibility for charges paid by Guests.
In the case of a chargeback resulting from a purchase you have made for CameraLux Credit, the Company reserves the right to cease your use of any Services, the Site, or Host Services, as well as to terminate your account with immediate effect. Should you have any questions regarding a purchase made using your account or credit card, please contact the Company directly using the contact page. The Company, in its capacity as agent for the Community of Hosts, does not offer refunds from Hosts to Guests except in the case of exceptional circumstances. In some cases, the Company, in its capacity as agent for the Community of Hosts, may issue a refund to Guests in the form of CameraLux Credit, at its discretion.
Any Guest who registers for a Host Discount Club where the Host is temporarily and/or permanently unavailable on the Site, the Company will not offer any refunds from the Host concerned. Host Discount Clubs are a Service provided by the Host to Guests and the Company does not dictate any charges for parties who use such Services.
- The company uses the following services:
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Santa Monica, CA 90405
United States
Phone: +1 (310) 664-5700
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United States Phone: +1 (754) 227-7958
- Account Changes
- You must promptly inform the Company in the event of:
- Loss or theft of your Payment Account;
- Changes in the expiration date, billing, or home address of your Payment Account;
- Loss, theft, unauthorized disclosure or unauthorized use of an ID or password relating to your membership; and
- Any other changes that affect your Payment Account.
- You are liable for any unauthorized use of the Website or any of its services under your Membership, until the time you have notified Customer Service of any unauthorized access. Billing errors must be reported immediately. If we do not receive report within thirty (30) days after a billing error first appears on the account statement, it will be considered acceptable in all purposes. If errors are not reported in (30) days, you release the Company from all liabilities and claims of loss.
- Cancellation Policy
- You can cancel your membership and access to us for any reason at any time. Cancellation will be effective upon receiving your written expression of cancellation. The company has the right to cancel your account at any time, including for reasons of violating the terms of service.
- Once your basic account is cancelled, your username and password will be removed from the Company's online database immediately. You will not be able to access the private material. If you cancel a Premium or VIP member account, your username and password will stay active and you can still access the general parts of our site.
- In the event of cancellation, either by you or the Company, unused tokens will not be refunded and any outstanding charges will be charged to your payment account before closing the account.
- Cancelling your account won't remove your contributions to our site, nor does it remove your personal data from the system. See our Privacy Policy for more information.
- Communications
- Agreement to receive communications
- When you register for an account, you specifically consent and opt in to receiving electronic communications about your account. This can range from sending emails during registration process, notices about account, confirmations, and other transactional notices. These notifications satisfy any legal communication requirements. The Company recommends keeping copies of all important communications. Newsletters, ads, information about new content, among other information will be sent via email. These communications may contain sexually explicit material not suitable for minors. To opt-out of these non-transactional communications, you can make edits to your notifications.
- No Offsite or Outside Communications
- For everyone’s safety, the Website is prohibited from being a means to promote or facilitate personal communication or meetings among any users, models or any parties. We encourage you to follow the social media pages that a model provides, but the Company prohibits personal meetings and takes a zero tolerance policy towards this matter. In the event that this has been violated, all parties will be banned and account will be immediately terminated.
- if you choose to meet someone you have made contact with through us, this is at your own risk and the company will not be liable or responsible for any outcomes. Although the Company reserves the right to do so, it does not screen communications between users and third parties and has no control over what the communications contain.
- Consequences and Liability for Inappropriate Communications
- You will not in any way communicate:
- objectionable or illegal material including by not limited to the nature of defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, lewd, threatening, offensive, obscene, excessively violent, or harassing that infringes on rights such as; copyright, privacy, trademark, and rights of publicity, among any other rights for a person;
- any material that would suggest, encourage or promote prostitution, sex trafficking, sexual activity with underaged victims, or otherwise nonconsensual sexual activity.
- The Company strictly prohibits transmission of any material that violates any federal, state, or local law in the UK or anywhere else in the world, is strictly prohibited by Company. Should you transmit such content, you are in breach of the terms of service and your account may be terminated permanently. The Company is not liable for any damages of prohibited content you supply or engage in, but will willingly help in the prosecution of those offenders when applicable. Any content deemed inappropriate by the Company can be deleted at any time without notice.
- The Company reserves the right to terminate accounts that engage in inappropriate behavior or conduct towards any model, user, staff member, or any other party.
- Acknowledgement of Privacy Policy
- You acknowledge the Privacy Policy and agree to comply with it.
- No Confidential Communications
- Anything you post in chat rooms or in public areas is accessible by the general public and is not considered private or confinetal. All communications can be read by our operators and should not be considered private or secure.
- Although the Company is not obligated to monitor any third party messages or other materials posted or uploaded to the site or sent to you, the Company reserves the right to monitor those materials to ensure that they conform to any applicable content guidelines or policies of the Website.
- Terminating communications with the Company
- Unless you explicitly state your wish to not receive Company emails, like advertising and third party emails, it will be assumed you agree to receive them.
- User Conduct
- While using our site, you must adhere to all applicable laws and regulations that apply to your access to the Website and its Content, including laws relating to the Internet, data, electronic communications, or the sending of technical data exported from the country where you live.
- You must not engage in any of the following prohibited activities:
- copying, reproducing, recording, republishlishing, downloading, transmitting and/or make available to the public any of the content/materials of this Website without the prior written consent of the Company.
- Use or attempt to use the Website or any of its Content to promote or facilitate activity that could be construed as prostitution, sex trafficking, sexual contact with minors, or nonconsensual sexual contact.
- Access this site using any automated system or any other technological means other that what has been authorized and provided by us ;
- Taking any action that imposes, or may impose at the Company's sole discretion an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on the Website infrastructure;
- Transmitting spam, chain letters, or other unsolicited email, or uploading viruses, worms, invalid data, or other material of the sort;
- Attempting to interfere with, compromise the system integrity or security, or decipher any transmissions to or from the servers running the Website;
- Using the Website to solicit commercially;
- Collecting or harvesting any personally identifiable information, including account names, from the Website;
- Falsely align yourself and or/ your content with another person or entity, impersonate another person, conduct a fraudulent operation or hide your identity;
- Interfering with the proper working of the Website;
- Hack or illegally access any part of the Website; or
- Post or upload any material or statements that are defamatory, libelous, obscene, indecent, abusive, harassing, offensive, inflammatory, violent, hateful, invade anyone's privacy, or are otherwise objectionable;
- Make any statements that promote incest, rape or non consensual sex, extreme violence, torture, non consensual pain, blood of any kind, urination, defecation, vomiting, cutting, erotic asphyxiation, torture, bestiality, necrophilia, sado-masochistic abuse or bondage, genital mutilation, or enema play;
- Make any statements that promote violence or discrimination based on race, sex, nationality, sexual orientation, religion, disability, sexual orientation, or age;
- Post or upload any material that could give rise to any civil or criminal liability under governing laws or otherwise may be in conflict with this agreement or the Privacy Policy;
- Use the Website to infringe any copyright, patent, trademark, trade secret, or other intellectual property rights of any person; or
- Use the Website for any unlawful purpose or in any way that is prohibited according to the statements above, or that subjects the Company to criminal or civil liability.
- If you fail to comply with the above noted section, The Company may change, limit, or terminate your access, without warning.
- Enforcement
- The Company has the right to:
- Take appropriate legal action, including referral to law enforcement, for any illegal or unauthorized use of the Website;
- Remove or refuse to post any submission or communication for any reason;
- Disclose your identity or other information about you to any person who claims that your submission or communication violates their rights, including their intellectual-property rights or their privacy rights;
- Take any action against any submission or communication that the Company considers necessary or appropriate, including if the Company believes that the submission or communication breaches this agreement, infringes any legal right of any person, threatens the personal safety of users of the Website or the public, or could create liability for the Company; or
- Terminate or suspend your access to part or all of the site for any reason they see fit.
- The Company fully complies with all law enforcement authorities to disclose any information pertaining to an investigation.
- The Company cannot and does not review all material before it is posted. The Company also cannot ensure immediate removal of objectionable material once it is posted. You are solely responsible for the content posted from your account. The Company will not be liable for any user or third party content. The Company will not be liable to anyone for performance or non performance of the prohibited activities mentioned above. Please fill out an Abuse or Copyright form in the event of reporting prohibited content.
- Third Parties
- The Company is not responsible or liable for any third party links, including the availability or accuracy of those websites or resources, as well as the content, products, or services. These links do not signify endorsement. You are responsible for any activity you engage in with those links.
- Compliance with Law
- The Company is governed by U.K law, however often voluntarily complies with US and EU laws for the security and benefit of users, such as the GDPR. In the event the Company acts in a way that does not comply with the voluntary laws, there will be no legal ramifications, as the Company is not lawfully bound to them.
- Release of Liability
- The Company nor any affiliates, partners, third party entities or representatives involved in the creation, production, or deliverance of the service or content is liable for any and all damages arising from your access to, use of, or interpretation of, the services, products or information provided by or through the Company.
- Indemnification
- You agree to indemnify and hold harmless Site, its employees, affiliates, other related workers, affiliated entities and their successors, assigns, shareholders/members, officers, directors, and applicable third parties (e.g., licensors, licensees, consultants and contractors) (collectively, the "Indemnified Person(s)") harmless against any and all claims, actions, demands, liabilities, losses, damages, judgments, settlements, costs, and expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees)
- Governing Law
- Litigation Election
- Either party may elect to litigate the following type of case or controversy: (a) an action seeking injunctive relief, or (b) a suit to compel compliance with this dispute resolution process.
- Negotiation
- Each party will allow the other a reasonable opportunity to comply before it claims that the other has not met the duties under this agreement. The parties will first meet and negotiate with each other in good faith to try to resolve all disputes between the parties arising out of or relating to the Website or this agreement.
- Mediation
- If the parties cannot settle a dispute arising out of or relating to the Website or this agreement through negotiation after 30 days, either party may, by notice to the other party and the International Institute of Conflict Prevention & Resolution ("CPR"), demand mediation under the Mediation Procedure of CPR.
- Arbitration
- Procedure
- If the parties cannot settle a dispute through mediation, the parties will settle any unresolved dispute arising out of or relating to the Website or this agreement by binding arbitration administered by CPR in accordance with its Rules for Administered Arbitration. A single arbitrator will preside over the arbitration. The arbitrator, and not any federal, state, or local court or agency, will have exclusive authority to resolve all disputes arising out of or relating to the interpretation, enforceability, or formation of this agreement, including any claim that all or any part of this agreement is void or voidable.
- Fees
- Each party will be responsible for paying its equal share of any filing, administrative, and arbitrator fees associated with the arbitration.
- Award
- The arbitrator may grant whatever relief would be available in a court at law or in equity, except that the arbitrator must not award punitive or exemplary damages, or damages otherwise limited or excluded in this agreement. In accordance with this section, the arbitrator's award will include costs of arbitration, reasonable legal fees, and reasonable costs for expert and other witnesses. The arbitrator's award will be binding on the parties and may be entered as a judgment in any court of competent jurisdiction.
- Confidentiality
- Unless required by law, neither a party nor an arbitrator will disclose the existence, content, or results of any arbitration under this agreement without the advance written consent of both parties.
- Right to Injunctive Relief
- Nothing in this section will prevent either party from seeking injunctive or other equitable relief from the courts for matters related to data security, intellectual property, or unauthorized access to the Website.
- Recovery of Expenses
- In any proceedings between the parties arising out of this agreement or relating to the subject matter of this agreement, the prevailing party will be entitled to recover from the other party, besides any other relief awarded, all expenses that the prevailing party incurs in those proceedings, including legal fees and expenses.
- For purposes of this section, “prevailing party” means, for any proceeding, the party in whose favor an award is rendered, except that if in those proceedings the award finds in favor of one party on one or more claims or counterclaims and in favor of the other party on one or more other claims or counterclaims, neither party will be the prevailing party. If any proceedings are voluntarily dismissed or are dismissed as part of settlement of that dispute, neither party will be the prevailing party in those proceedings.
- Jury Trial Waiver
- Both parties hereby waive the right to a trial by jury for any dispute arising out of or relating to the Website or this agreement. Either party may enforce this waiver up to and including the first day of trial.
- Class Action Waiver
- All claims must be brought in the parties' individual capacity, and not as a plaintiff or class member in any purported class or representative proceeding, and, unless the Company agrees otherwise, the arbitrator will not consolidate more than one person's claims. Both parties acknowledge that each party is waiving the right to participate in a class action.
- Limitation on Time to Bring Claims
- A party will not file a claim arising out of or relating to this agreement more than one year after the cause of action arose. Any claim brought after one year is barred.
- Notices
- Sending Notice to the Company
- You may send notice to the Company at unless another address is specifically provided. An email notice is only acknowledged as received once the Company sends a letter of confirmation. Contact information may change, so please check the Website for updated information before sending notice.
- Company Sending Notice to You
- The Company will send notice to you by the last email address you have provided. Please ensure your email address is updated in our system in order to receive important information. Additionally, some information may be provided in a designated space on the Website.
- Force Majeure
- The Site shall not be held responsible for delay or failure in performance hereunder caused by natural disasters, terrorism, strikes, embargoes, fires, war, telecommunication or infrastructure failure, hacking, SPAM, or other causes beyond the affected party's reasonable control.
- Relationship of the Parties
- This document does not establish a franchise, employment, partnership or any other kind of relationship. Nor does it establish a relationship between any third parties.
- Feedback
- You may give feedback to the The Company encourages you to provide feedback about the Website. Note that this feedback is not confidential, and the Company can use the feedback how they wish without any payment to you.
- Your Comments and Concerns
- All comments and concerns can be directed to